The spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a significant public health concern with the potential to affect daily operations in the Missouri court system. The Missouri judiciary continues to monitor the status of the virus daily and is working to lessen any impact on court operations. We are following updates and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, and World Health Organization and will coordinate with the executive branch as we would in any potential state emergency.
The health and safety of those who come into our courthouses is a top concern, along with that of our court staff and judges. We ask all those who feel ill, believe they may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus or believe they may have come in contact with someone who has been exposed to reschedule tours or other nonessential appointments and to contact their local court to inquire about rescheduling hearings, jury service or other essential court business. Contact information for the state’s courts is available through our online feature which can be found at
The Missouri courts are using Phases to determine what type of court operations can happen in each county. To check your counties phase, see the map at
COVID-19 Operational Phases
During all phases:
- Proceedings may be conducted remotely
- Common spaces will be sanitized regularly
- Visitors will be screened to mitigate against spread of COVID-19 in court facility
- Masks or face coverings are required in all public court areas and during all court proceedings, absent good cause shown and except when an individual is alone in a private office
- Social-distancing protocols will be followed
Phase Zero
- Most in-person proceedings suspended
- Access to courthouse greatly limited
Phase One
- Critical proceedings may resume
- Courtrooms and other public spaces limited to no more than 10 people if possible
Phase Two
- Additional proceedings may resume
- Courtrooms and other public spaces limited to no more than 25 people if possible
Phase Three
- Resume proceedings in compliance with local social distancing and occupancy limit protocols
- Courtrooms and other public spaces open in accord with social distancing protocols