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Most Common Workmen Comp Injuries

Missouri has a lot of blue-collar workers, and for obvious reasons, these employees are far more susceptible to workplace injuries than office/white-collar employees. In our state, businesses with a minimum of five (5) employees are required to provide their employees with certain workers’ compensation benefits.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are some of the most common work-related injuries:

  • Brian injuries: Job site accidents, especially occurring in construction sites and other hazardous premises can often cause a sever brain injury. Generally occurring when a worker slips or is struck by a hard or sharp object and injuries his/her head.
  • Burn injuries and smoke inhalation: Firefighters are likely where your mind went on this one. Other industries such as manufacturing, chemical plants, and other industrial areas are also common.
  • Slips & Falls: Slips, trips, and falls can be relatively harmless, but if you work with large machinery, unfinished floors, or construction materials, a slip could result in a serious injury.
  • Spinal cord injuries: No matter how minor the injury, issues with your spine can cause extended periods of time off of work.
  • Dog bites & animal attacks: Employees that spend a lot of time outdoors or in people’s homes run a higher risk of sustaining injuries from a dog or other animal attacks.
  • Traffic and auto accidents: Among the most common of worker’s compensation claims is auto accidents. From semi-truck accidents to minor collisions, injuries sustained while driving will continue to be high on the list of most common workplace injuries.

Employer’s and (especially) insurance companies frequently try to pay out the least amount possible to employees filing for workman’s comp. Because of this, we always recommend at least speaking with a local workers’ compensation attorney, like Tad Morlan.  They will be able to tell you your rights and help you understand whether or not you have a case. If you find yourself with a workers’ compensation claim, be sure to Know What to Do, Call Tad Morlan at 417-865-4400

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