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What is a Hardship License

In Missouri, if your driving privilege is suspended, revoked, or denied and is not currently eligible for reinstatement – but not to drive for employment other important matters – you may be eligible for a Limited Driving Privilege (LDP).  Some people refer to this as a “hardship license”.

If an LDP is granted, you will be allowed to drive a motor vehicle in certain pre-approved situations.  If you have specific types of convictions or administrative actions on your driver record, you may not be eligible to receive an LDP.

NOTE:  A person cannot obtain an LDP to drive a commercial motor vehicle.

There are a few requirements for a hardship license (LDP).

  • Fill out an Application for a Limited Driving Privilege (LDP)
  • You will need proof of liability insurance on file (ie: SR-22) or submit a copy of the SR-22 form with your application.
  • You may also apply for an LDP by filing a petition with the associate circuit court in the county where you live or work. A filing fee and court costs will be required when filing the petition.

You may need to seek legal advice when filing your petition, KNOW WHAT TO DO, Call Tad for a free consultation today!  417-865-4400

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